Allianz brand value continues to increase

Allianz continues to increase its brand strength despite continued turbulence in the financial sector. This was confirmed today by Interbrand, a leading brand consultancy which regularly assesses the value of the world’s top brands.

In 2011, Allianz’s brand is valued at $US 5.34 billion, which is up 9 percent compared to $US 4.9 billion in 2010. In the category of European financial services providers, Allianz’s brand value has shown highest growth rates.

"Allianz’s continued effort to build on the commitment to be a 'Trusted Partner' centers on a consistently focused communications campaign which has added a personal touch to the brand by focusing on the exchange of experiences and knowledge. Additionally, a true sense of corporate responsibility promotes road safety. Based on a globally implemented strategy, a unified brand experience has increased worldwide presence and added strength to the brand," says Jürgen Häusler, Chairman, Interbrand Central and Eastern Europe.

The Interbrand ranking calculates the value of a brand based on a number of criteria including brand relevance, brand leadership, market position, customer loyalty and diversification. It has been published once a year for the past twelve years. Allianz currently ranks at 67th place out of the top hundred global brands.

"The fact that our brand is coming out of the financial crisis stronger than ever, shows us that we have a sound business strategy, strong performance and most importantly a credible customer promise that we follow up on," says Joseph K. Gross, Global Head of Group Market Management at Allianz SE.

Allianz, the global financial services company has been performing very well, despite financial market turbulence during the past years. Financial results and financial strength continue to be very solid. The customer base in more than 70 countries across the globe keeps growing and is currently at some 76 million customers of both insurance and investment solutions. Clients are served by more than 600,000 Allianz ambassadors: staff members, agents, brokers and other partners, as well as via internet.

In 2010, Allianz launched its global "One" campaign. The central focus of the campaign is sharing knowledge and experience of real people in authentic situations. The campaign has to date been launched via a multi-local approach in over 20 countries and especially makes use of the digital space.

"The 'One' campaign calls upon the wealth of meaningful knowledge and experience of our clients and employees. Sharing this knowledge can help customers make better financial decisions and help them to move on and up in life," says Gross. "The campaign significantly differentiates Allianz from its competitors, proving the value of being part of the strongest financial community."

Joseph K. Gross, Global Head of Group Market Management

"We pursue the philosophy of 'brand starts from within'," explains Christian Deuringer, Global Head of Brand Management at Allianz SE. "In the absence of tangible products we are dependent upon the superior delivery of our services and ultimately of the Allianz brand via our brand ambassadors. Making our staff and partners understand, believe and love what Allianz stands for is becoming more and more business critical."

Currently, more than 80 percent of Allianz companies around the world operate under the Allianz name, compared to 65 percent in 2007. Recent successful rebrandings took place at Allianz companies in Italy and France. The largest current rebranding process is taking place at Mondial Assistance migrating to Allianz Global Assistance. The parent company in Paris and all subsidiaries are rebranding in a two year process until end 2012. However, there continues to be room for exceptions and there is no plan for brand uniformity among all Allianz companies. In any case, the criteria for the Interbrand ranking are much more complex than one common brand alone.

Earlier in the year, Allianz was ranked as "Best Global Green Brand" in the Financial Services category by Interbrand. In this ranking, Interbrand for the first time assessed brands by the consumer perception of green activities and a demonstration of environmental performance.

"We have a high degree of alignment of our brand management strategy with the sustainability positioning," says Gross. "We are proud to demonstrates leadership in integrating sustainability into core business processes and activities."

Allianz’s sustainable business approach regularly receives acknowledgement in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Rating. Allianz has been the best ranked primary insurer in this rating index for a number of years

Christian Deuringer, Global Head of Brand Management

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