
Allianz SE is rated by the three internationally leading rating agencies S&P Global, Moody's and A.M. Best in an interactive rating process.
Allianz obtained very favourable ratings by these three agencies. Please find the current ratings and reports set out below. 

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S&P Global
A.M. Best
Insurer financial strength rating AA | stable outlook
(affirmed 06/20/2024)
Aa2 | stable outlook
(affirmed 09/26/2024)
A+ | stable outlook
(affirmed 03/22/2024)
Counterparty credit rating AA | stable outlook
(affirmed 06/20/2024)
Not rated aa| stable
(affirmed 03/22/2024)
Senior unsecured debt rating AA
(affirmed 06/20/2024)
Aa2 | stable outlook
(affirmed 09/26/2024)
aa | stable
(affirmed 03/22/2024)
Subordinated debt rating A+ / A

A1 / A3| stable outlook
(affirmed 09/26/2024)
aa- / a+ | stable
(affirmed 03/22/2024)
Commercial paper (short term) rating A-1+
(affirmed 06/20/2024)
(affirmed 09/26/2024) 
Not rated
Report 06/20/2024 09/26/2024 03/22/20244

1 Includes ratings for securities issued by Allianz Finance II B.V. and Allianz Finance Corporation.

2 Issuer credit rating.

3 Final ratings vary on the basis of the terms.

4  A.M. Best's Rating Reports reproduced on this site appear under licence from A.M. Best Company and do not constitute, either expressly or implicitly, an endorsement of Allianz's products or services. A.M. Best's Rating Reports are the copyright of A.M. Best Company and may not be reproduced or distributed without the express written consent of A.M. Best Company. Visitors to this website are authorised to print a single copy of the rating report displayed here for their own use. Any other printing, copying or distribution is strictly prohibited. A.M. Best's ratings are under continual review and subject to change or affirmation. To confirm the current rating visit www.ambest.com.

The Insurer financial strength rating indicates an insurer's financial strength and ability to meet ongoing obligations to policyholders.
A counterparty credit rating (S&P Global) and an issuer credit rating (A.M. Best) indicate an obligor's creditworthiness. It assesses the company's capacity and willingness to meet its financial commitments.

Debt and commercial paper ratings provide an opinion for the credit marketplace as to the issuer's ability to meet its financial obligations to security holders when due. in each of the groups above there are various gradations of credit-worthiness.

In order to differentiate between these gradations, S&P Global and A.M. Best add a "plus" or a "minus" next to each rating, while Moody's adds a number (1-3).

For ratings of Allianz Group companies and a full description of how rating categories are assigned, please refer to the rating agencies' websites.