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Our employees are working in more than 100 different job profiles. We truly care for our people and their individual needs and aspirations. Together we all shape an environment in which everyone has the confidence to dream, to explore and to grow. From jobs in Actuarial, Business and IT to Inhouse Consulting and Investment Management - your opportunities are endless!  

Let’s care for tomorrow. Join team Allianz.

Woman harvesting tomatoes in a greenhouse

We care for tomorrow’s society and planet. As one of the leading insurance companies in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index we offer our employees plenty of opportunities to get engaged in shaping a future that is safe, inclusive and sustainable.

At Allianz we're creating impact for tomorrow. It forms the basis of all our business activities.

Mutter küsst Tochter auf die Backe
We care for your opportunities to progress. From individual development to career mobility, to lifelong learning offers for all our employees worldwide. Learn more about the benefits we offer and how you can develop your career with us.
Vater mit Sohn auf Schulter lachend zuversichtlich schauend
We care for life’s twists and turns. We provide flexible working and focus on your outcomes rather than your physical presence. We support you to stay fit and healthy and offer parental leave so you can spend more time with your new family.
Detail von Arm mit regenbogenfarbenen Schweißband mit Allianz Logo an Arm
Our people are as diverse as the world itself. Get to know our different employee networks and learn about our initiatives to foster a fair and inclusive workplace for all. 
The People Fact Book is the official and most comprehensive report on people facts and figures for Allianz Group published every year. Download the 2023 version as PDF here:
The People Fact Book is the official and most comprehensive report on people facts and figures for Allianz Group published every year. Download the 2022 version as PDF here:
The People Fact Book is the official and most comprehensive report on people facts and figures for Allianz Group published every year. Download the 2021 version as PDF here:
The People Fact Book is the official and most comprehensive report on people facts and figures for Allianz Group published every year. Download the 2020 version as PDF here: 
The People Fact Book is the official and most comprehensive report on people facts and figures for Allianz Group published every year. Download the 2019 version as PDF here: 
The People Fact Book is the official and most comprehensive report on HR facts and figures for Allianz Group published every year. Here you find the PDF:  
The HR Fact Book is the official and most comprehensive report on HR facts and figures for Allianz Group published every year.
The HR Fact Book is the official and most comprehensive report on HR facts and figures for Allianz Group published every year.
The HR Fact Book is the official and most comprehensive report on HR facts and figures for Allianz Group published every year.
The HR Fact Book is the official and most comprehensive report on HR facts and figures for Allianz Group published every year.
The HR Fact Book is the official and most comprehensive report on HR facts and figures for Allianz Group published every year.
The HR Fact Book is the official and most comprehensive report on HR facts and figures for Allianz Group published every year.
The HR Fact Book is the official and most comprehensive report on HR facts and figures for Allianz Group published every year.
The HR Fact Book is the official and most comprehensive report on HR facts and figures for Allianz Group published every year.

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Total number of employees
Females in % of employees 51.6%
Salaried workforce 97.1%
Full-time equivalents (FTEs) 93.2%
Total number of managers 18,486
     Female managers in % of total managers 39.6%
Total number of staff 131,873
     Female staff in % of total staff 53.3%
Part-time employees 12.4%
Employees with permanent contracts 94.7%
Average age1 40.91
Average length of service in years 10.40
Employee turnover rate2 12.9%
Voluntary turnover rate2 8.9%
Sick leave days per employee 7.8
Training and learning hours per employee 50.0
Training expenses per employee (EUR) 743 
Total Personnel expenses (EUR mn) 14,734
Salaries and wages (EUR mn) 11,647
Performance-related compensation (%) 26%
Social security and employee assistance (EUR mn) 1,729
Pension and other post-retirement benefits (EUR mn) 1,358
Number of misconducts as termination reason 254
Percentage of employees trained in the course subject: Legal and Compliance 79% 
Time to hire for vacant positions (days) 48
Time to hire for vacant critical positions (days) 67
Managerial effectiveness (based on AES)3 88
Top Management & Strategy (based on AES)4 74

As of December 31, 2023

There are no employees below 15 years old.
Based on external leavers excluding employees whose temporary contract ends during the reporting period (change in calculation to better reflect business reality).
3 Measured through the Allianz Engagement Survey Top Management & Strategy dimension as a Leadership Trust Indicator (across managers).
4 Measured through the Allianz Engagement Survey Top Management & Strategy dimension as a Leadership Trust Indicator (across Top Management).

Here you can find an overview of Allianz Group's key figures.
Please find here the annual reports of Allianz Group and Allianz SE.
Here you can find the Interim Reports of Allianz Group.