Capital Markets Day

At our Capital Markets Days the Board of Management gives an update to the mid-term strategy and targets of Allianz Group.
The next Capital Markets Day is scheduled to take place in Munich on December 10, 2024.

On December 3, 2021 the Allianz Capital Markets Day took place as a virtual event.

At the event  Oliver Bäte (CEO Allianz SE), Giulio Terzariol (CFO Allianz SE), Barbara Karuth-Zelle (Member of the Board Allianz SE),  Chris Townsend (Member of the Board Allianz SE),  Andreas Wimmer (Member of the Board Allianz SE) and Emmanuel Roman (CEO PIMCO) gave an update on our Group strategy and targets.


On November 30, 2018 Allianz invited analysts and institutional investors to a Capital Markets Day in Munich.

At the event Oliver Bäte (CEO Allianz SE), Giulio Terzariol (CFO Allianz SE), Ivan de la Sota (Member of the Board Allianz SE), Klaus-Peter Röhler (CEO Allianz Germany), Andreas Wimmer (Member of the Board Allianz Leben), Line Hestvik (Head of Global P/C) and Petros Papanikolaou (CEO CEE) gave an update on our Group strategy and targets.

On November 30, 2016 Allianz invited analysts and institutional investors to a Capital Markets Day in Munich. The event was dedicated to our digital initiatives. Allianz SE Board members Oliver Bäte (CEO), Dieter Wemmer (CFO) and Christof Mascher (COO) as well as operational management held presentations.

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Agenda  Agenda
Presentation  Digital
On November 24, 2015 Allianz invited analysts and institutional investors to a Capital Markets Day in Munich. Oliver Bäte, CEO of Allianz SE since May 2015, presented Allianz Group's strategic initiatives.

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On July 4, 2014 Allianz held a Capital Markets Day for analysts and institutional investors in London. The focus was on Allianz SE, our operations in Australia and the UK as well as Allianz Worldwide Partners.
On June 25, 2013 Allianz held a Capital Markets Day for analysts and institutional investors in Berlin. The focus was on Allianz insurance business in our home market Germany.  

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On July 18, 2012 Allianz held a Capital Markets Day for analysts and institutional investors in Milan. The focus was on our operations in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Turkey and Latin America.  

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Agenda  Agenda
Presentation  Making a difference
On July 21, 2011 Allianz held a Capital Markets Day for analysts and institutional investors in New York. The focus was on Asset Management and US Life operations.

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On July 1, 2010 Allianz held a Capital Markets Day for analysts and institutional investors on "Global Business Lines" in Munich.

Presentations were held by Clement Booth (Member of the Board Management of Allianz SE, Global Insurance Lines & Anglo Markets), Rémi Grenier (Mondial Assistance), Jon Ansell (Mondial Assistance), Wilfried Verstraete (Euler Hermes), Clemens von Weichs (Allianz Re), Axel Theis (AGCS) and Karsten Crede (Automotive).

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Agenda  Agenda
Presentation  Global Business Lines
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