The German Corporate Governance Code goes beyond legal regulations for management and supervision of German listed companies and summarizes international and national acknowledged standards for good and responsible corporate governance.
Corporate Governance
Questions regarding corporate management, control and transparency are summarized under "Corporate Governance". Allianz SE understands a responsible and transparent Corporate Governance as a central challenge and indispensable prerequisite for the creation of sustainable value for its shareholders and all other stakeholders.
Here you find the statutes of Allianz SE in the current version. Besides general regulations, the statutes contain rules regarding the central bodies (Board of Management, Supervisory Board, Annual General Meeting), the annual financial statements, and the appropriation of net earnings.
Legal form
Allianz SE is the holding company of the Allianz Group and holds the legal form of a European company (Societas Europaea).
Organizational bodies
Board of Management, Supervisory Board and General Meeting form the central bodies of Allianz SE. The areas of responsibility of these three bodies are regulated in the German stock corporation law and by the statutes of Allianz SE.
Since January 1, 2018, PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (PwC) is the statutory auditor of the annual financial statements and of the consolidated financial statements of Allianz SE.
Allianz fosters a corporate culture of individual and collective responsibility for ethical conduct and adherence to the rules. Find here information on the Code of Conduct, the complaint system and fraud warning.