2022 was an annus horribilis for savers. Asset prices fell across the board in the "everything slump" scenario. The result was a dismal -2.7% decline in private households’ global financial assets, the strongest drop since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2008. Growth rates of the three major asset classes, however, differed markedly. While securities (-7.3%) and insurance/pensions (-4.6%) saw strong setbacks, bank deposits showed robust growth at +6.0%. Overall, financial assets worth EUR 6.6 trillion were lost, total financial assets amounted to EUR 233 trillion at the end of 2022.
The interactive “Allianz Global Wealth Map” offers an easy way to navigate the “jungle” of wealth data. With the interactive “Allianz Global Wealth Map”, readers can navigate the “data jungle” by themselves. Simply click on a country and retrieve data, from total financial assets to liabilities per capita. The data will be represented in two different ways: either as development over time or as regional comparison for the latest year. And for the quick reader, there are the five most frequently asked questions about the wealth situation of households at the top of the map.
All figures in Euro are converted on the basis of the 2021 exchange rate.