Results & reports


Here you can find all important documents and webcasts on our quarterly and annual results.

Please find here the Annual Reports of Allianz Group and Allianz SE. Besides the financial reporting, the Annual Reports also include the Non-Financial Statement.

Here you can find the Interim Reports of Allianz Group.

The Own Funds Report and Life Supplement provide insights into the Own Funds, the Solvency Capital Requirements and into our Life/Health business.

Pursuant to Art. 51 Solvency II Directive 2009/138/EC Allianz publishes Solvency and Financial Condition Reports (SFCR) for Allianz Group, for Allianz SE as well as for its Solvency II regulated legal entities (solo reports).

Here you can find an overview of Allianz Group's key figures.

Financial statements

Here you can find the latest consolidated balance sheet and income statements.

Sustainability is an integral part of our business and value system. This makes Allianz shares and bonds attractive investments for investors who pursue a socially responsible investment (SRI) approach.

Please find here the information on the investment strategy and engagement policy of Allianz SE pursuant to Secs. 134b, 134c AktG.