Help for clients affected from the storms in France and Germany
Help for clients affected by the storms in France and Germany

The storms and heavy rainfalls across France and German have caused considerable damage. What should Allianz customers do if they were affected and need to file a claim?

The Gotthard Base Tunnel: a project – heavier than 5 Cheops Pyramids
The Gotthard Base Tunnel: a project – heavier than 5 Cheops Pyramids

On June 1st, the longest tunnel in the world will open in the Swiss Alps. It has taken 17 years to complete. Allianz with its entities Allianz Swiss, Euler Hermes and Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty has been a lead insurer from start to finish.

Don’t leave retirement to luck
Don’t leave retirement to luck

Almost 20 percent of Americans are hoping to win the lottery to finance their retirement. The odds are bigger they will be killed by a meteorite. Here are five tips on how to boost retirement income.

Airlander 10: The sky has no limits
Airlander 10: The sky has no limits

What’s sixty feet longer than an Airbus 380, larger than a football field and can lift 10 tons? The largest and oddest-looking aircraft in the world: the Airlander 10.

Euler Hermes: The Formula 1 of exporters – exports on the fast lane, but insolvencies and risks are as well
Euler Hermes: “German export Formula 1” – exports up, as are insolvencies and risks

High speeds, overtaking maneuvers, high risks and danger of “jostling” – That’s the world of Formula 1 – and of exports.

Get connected and drive safely
Get connected and drive safely

Convenient, secure and environmentally friendly: connected mobility promises to do a world of good and took center stage at the fourth Allianz Auto Day. Manfred Knof, Chairman of the Board of Management of Allianz Deutschland, called for fair access to vehicle data for all market participants.

Understanding the customer is key
Understanding the customer is key

In a keynote speech at the Global Conferences of technology fair CeBIT, Oliver Bäte explained the need for industries to transform, using Allianz as an example. For Bäte, the crucial point is understanding the needs of the customer.

The emotional impact of burglary
The emotional impact of burglary

Marilynne is the type of person who always looks on the bright side of life. When her mother died of cancer, Marilynne was grateful she hadn’t suffered. It wasn’t until a year later, when her home was broken into that Marilynne finally broke down.

A lock only keeps honest people out
A lock only keeps honest people out

As the saying goes, “A lock only keeps honest people out.” Anyone who really wants to break into your home will. Most likely, a burglar isn’t targeting you in particular. He’s looking for an easy mark. Don’t put out the burglar welcome mat. Here are some tips to make your home unappealing to burglars and precautions to take in case they should they get in.