Fraud Warning

Allianz takes all information regarding suspicious or fraudulent activities very seriously. Please inform us at [email protected], if you suspect that you have been written to or verbally approached under the improper use of the brand name "Allianz" or the company logo (Allianz Logo) or if the brand name or logo of Allianz are fraudulently used in the Internet.

The following link provides you with a list of the biggest Allianz companies:

Courtesy translation

A phishing campaign is currently underway with a fake payment request and the subject Betreff  "Payment request: Outstanding invoice Allianz SE [invoice number]". These are sent to Allianz customers and non-customers alike and represent a security risk for them.

For a few days now, fraudulent e-mails circulate from the forged sender address [email protected], among others. The subject line reads, for example, "Payment request: Outstanding invoice Allianz SE [invoice number]". The e-mail contains a link "show payment details and pay" which is likely intended to lure recipients into entering their personal data. The malicious attackers are apparently after this data (address, account details, etc.). This link should never be clicked and the e-mail should be deleted immediately!

Unfortunately, despite a wide range of security measures, it is not possible to completely prevent criminals from repeatedly trying to illegally obtain sensitive data via fake company websites. In these so-called phishings, they use email addresses that they obtain via illegal channels such as the purchase of email lists, public directories/websites or automated collection tools. 

In the current case, Allianz immediately took all necessary steps and also requested the deletion of the fraudulent website so that it can no longer be accessed. Further measures against the fraudsters are being examined. 

Nevertheless, there is still a risk to the personal data of email recipients, which is why we are making the following basic recommendations to our customers:

1. Check the legitimacy of emails / messages requesting sensitive information or asking you to take urgent action. If in doubt, it is advisable to contact Allianz again briefly to check the authenticity of an e-mail enquiry.

2. Be wary of unexpected or unsolicited messages, especially those containing links or attachments.

3. Do not disclose any personal or financial information unless you have verified the authenticity of the request through trusted channels.

4. If you receive a suspicious message that appears to come from Allianz, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service or the agency in charge immediately. Please use your established contact routes when contacting Allianz.

August 2024

Courtesy translation
A phishing campaign is currently underway with fake emails with subjects such as "Allianz security check on [date]" or "Your customer data is out of date and should be updated". 
These are sent to Allianz customers and represent a security risk for them.

For a few days now, Allianz customers have been receiving fraudulent emails from the forged sender addresses [email protected] and [email protected], among others. The subject line reads, for example, "Allianz security check on [date]" or "Your customer data is out of date and should be updated". A "confirmation button" contained in the email is then intended to lure recipients to a fraudulent website that looks very similar to our "Meine Allianz" website so that personal data can be entered there. The malicious attackers are obviously after this data (address, account details, etc.). This button should never be clicked and the e-mail should be deleted immediately!

Unfortunately, despite a wide range of security measures, it is not possible to completely prevent criminals from repeatedly trying to illegally obtain sensitive data via fake company websites. In these so-called phishings, they use email addresses that they obtain via illegal channels such as the purchase of email lists, public directories/websites or automated collection tools. 

In the current case, Allianz immediately took all necessary steps and also requested the deletion of the fraudulent website so that it can no longer be accessed. Further measures against the fraudsters are being examined. 

Nevertheless, there is still a risk to the personal data of email recipients, which is why we are making the following basic recommendations to our customers:

1. Check the legitimacy of emails / messages requesting sensitive information or asking you to take urgent action. If in doubt, it is advisable to contact Allianz again briefly to check the authenticity of an e-mail enquiry.

2. Be wary of unexpected or unsolicited messages, especially those containing links or attachments.

3. Do not disclose any personal or financial information unless you have verified the authenticity of the request through trusted channels.

4. If you receive a suspicious message that appears to come from Allianz, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service or the agency in charge immediately.

June 2024

Allianz Global Investors wishes to alert its clients and potential investors that the company names “Allianz” and “Allianz Global Investors” are being misused in connection with an attempted fraud scheme. The names “Allianz Private Investors”, “”, “Allianz Investor Relations”, “AllianzIR”, “”, “”, “”, “” or “AllianzGI Global Investors Limited” are also being used. These are fraudulent companies and should not be engaged with at all.

The company name of its parent company, Allianz UK, is also being misused. The company name “Allianz UK” has been cloned and is being used in connection with offering certain financial services which are unrelated to services provided by Allianz Global Investors. This is without our authority and has no link to Allianz Global Investors and appears to be fraudulent.

In addition, we confirm that “Key Features of the Allianz Bond and Allianz Managed Investment Bond” is fraudulent, and Allianz Global Investors is not in partnership with any High Street Banks.

The products and services offered by Allianz Global Investors can be accessed through the website or

Anyone receiving “cold calls” in respect of “Allianz UK”, “Allianz Global Investors”, “Allianz Private Investors”, “”, “Allianz Investor Relations”, “AllianzIR”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “AllianzGI Global Investors Limited” or ““ should not divulge any personal data or make any payments.

If you are offered any products which cannot be found on the Allianz Global Investors website, please contact Allianz Global Investors directly using contact details which are found independently (i.e. not on an email/ contact provided by the fraudsters).

You can report any attempted fraud to us at the following email address:
[email protected]

Allianz Global Investors GmbH
199 Bishopsgate

February 2024
Allianz SE has been made aware of a number of online companies that claim to provide Banking, Investment or other Financial services and advertise with alleged bonds from Allianz to sell them. This is done via fake bond brochures which are supposed to be issued by "alleged" Allianz companies. Please be informed that Allianz does not issue these specific bonds. Examples of some fraudulent bond brochures may be viewed here:

Please be informed that Allianz does not issue these specific bonds. Furthermore, the companies/websites acting as sellers have a fraudulent background and were only created for fraud purposes.

If you have been aware of such bond (regardless of the insured’s name, amount, or dates) please forward it to Allianz SE Anti-Fraud Team to [email protected] and/or contact your local authorities if you believe you may have been a victim of such a scam.

September 2020

Allianz SE has been made aware of a number of online companies that claim to provide Banking, Investment or other Financial services and who claim that these services are insured by Allianz. 

Please be informed that Allianz does not issue Financial Guarantees.

If you have been sent such a certificate (regardless of the insured’s name, amount, policy number or dates) please forward it to Allianz SE Anti-Fraud Team to [email protected] and/or contact your local authorities if you believe you may have been a victim of such a scam.

Examples of fake certificates find here: 

Fake certificates by Tessline

This example is a "copycat" certificate, following the Tessline example.

Allianz obtains High Court injunction against Tessline for misuse of the Allianz name in relation to fictitious certificates that falsely claim to guarantee customer’s investments.
July 2024

Allianz has become aware that individuals have been contacted via text message to their cell phones and offered a job as customer service analyst or mystery shopper for Allianz. Initially, they were asked to forward personal details to email addresses using the domain Subsequently, the prospects were asked for further information, tasks were assigned to them and cheques were forwarded to them.

Allianz is aware that individuals in Canada have been in scope so far. We would like to inform you that this approach is not related to Allianz at all, and is believed to be for the purpose of money laundering.

If you receive any suspicious requests, please do not respond. We strongly advise you not to share any personal information. Do not deposit any received cheques and do not remit money on any account. 

Please forward suspicious approaches to [email protected] and/ or contact your local authorities. 

August 2016

Allianz has become aware that foreign insurance agencies and other financial service providers have been provided with financial guarantees under the Allianz brand for significant sums of money. In one known case the guarantees were drafted by an insurance agent purporting to act on behalf of Allianz.

Allianz is aware that customers in Italy, USA, UK, Austria, Switzerland, Cyprus and the Netherlands have been in scope so far. Allianz has also been informed that similar guarantees via a London Bank are being sent to investors in the US.

We would like to inform you that Allianz does not issue financial guarantees. If you receive any suspicious guarantees, please do not respond. Please forward them to [email protected] or contact your local Allianz company for confirmation.

January 2016