Sustainable Investing: a PIMCO perspective

Active fixed income investors play a critical role in the global energy transition. For insight into the sustainable investing megatrend, we caught up with Ryan Korinke, managing director and global head of sustainability at PIMCO, one of the world’s premier fixed income investment firms.

What you didn't hear at COP27

The shift to renewable energy is seen as the top priority to facilitate growth globally and on company level, according to emerging markets private sector leaders.

Africa's journey to net-zero: USD7 trillion just for energy

Allianz Economic Research has published a report on net zero transition for Africa, the role of private investments for a clean African future, energy as catalyst for any development and electricity and hydrogen as green sources of the power needed.

“The transition to a net-zero and sustainable future will unlock new business potential”

In an interview, Anusha Thavarajah, Regional Chief Executive Officer, Allianz Asia Pacific, spoke about how the climate crisis is already hitting the continent strongly, how Allianz is supporting the transition towards a net-zero economy and which local activities she feels especially proud of.

Allianz Colombia: Fostering change through social innovation

Local communities play an important role in the global fight for a more sustainable world. In 2022, Allianz Colombia successfully launched the second cycle of their Social Innovation Award. The initiative covered the categories of non-profit organizations or foundations, as well as microenterprises.

COP 27: From declarations of intent to concrete measures

In an op-ed published in the German newspaper Boersen Zeitung, Matt Christensen writes that COP 27 must strike the right balance, and that interaction between the public and private sectors is critical to the success of innovation when it comes to climate finance.

The road to change: From climate literacy to climate action

With the UN climate change conference, or COP27 as it is known, taking place from November 6-18, it is a good time to ask how people deal with the complex topic of climate change. Do they understand that climate change represents an imminent threat to their livelihoods and environments? Do they care enough to act? What actions lead to change?

Project Future: Sustainable investing at Allianz

Wind turbines, solar plants, CO2-neutral office buildings and new environmental technology: Allianz invests its customers' money in sustainable projects all over the world.

We will take sustainability to the heart of Allianz

In this video, Allianz CEO Oliver Bäte explains why sustainability is so important to Allianz and how he intends to integrate it into everything that happens at the company.