Insurance Outlook 2020: A Lost Year

Coronavirus will keep the insurance industry in weak health this year. But the pandemic could accelerate emerging trends in the industry. Digitalization, ESG and Asia are some keywords to watch, says the latest Allianz Global Insurance Report...

Allianz and Lime jointly address safety needs in micromobility industry

Lime, the global leader in shared smart mobility solutions, and Allianz, via its Allianz Partners entity dedicated to assistance and insurance solutions, have entered into a global strategic partnership focused on improving the safety of micromobility. Together, Lime and Allianz have launched a comprehensive insurance program that automatically provides Lime riders with two types of insurance: Personal Accident Insurance, and Liability Insurance, at no extra cost.

Coronavirus pandemic: Euler Hermes Germany participates in protective shield for German companies and suppliers

The continuing spread of the coronavirus pandemic is putting more and more German companies under considerable pressure. In order to protect these companies and their supply chains, the German Federal Government and private credit insurers in the German Insurance Association (GDV) agreed on a far-reaching protective shield for German companies.

Coronavirus: Doctors on Call

Covid-19 is taking many victims and burdening the healthcare systems globally. Telehealth, the digital delivery of medical services and information, could help ease some of the stress on both patients and doctors in these tough times...