Teresa Godinho

If you had to explain your job to a child how would you describe what you do?

Teresa Godinho: I speak to people and I give them guidance. I listen to their issues, to their solutions and to their proposals. I discuss with them the best way to go and define where we should go as a whole company every day.


What do you like most about your job?

Godinho: Mostly I appreciate the fact that I can coordinate the overall picture and that I can make things work together between sales, products, finance and claims. I like everything to be harmonized and synchronized. And to be able to get there is what I enjoy most.


What is the one thing you would advise women to do if they aspire to be top managers?

Godinho: I would tell them to keep doing their work. They should give their best everyday and not think about the future. Just keep performing. Trust yourself and the next step will come naturally.

Teresa Godinho, CEO of Allianz Portugal
Teresa Godinho

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