Silke Grimm

If you had to explain your job to a child how would you describe what you do?

Silke Grimm: I like to compare my position as CFAO to a ship and its crew. As a member of the Board I'm one of the officers, I report to the captain and I'm responsible for navigating the ship. It's my job to keep an eye on the fuel and make sure we're still on course. Another important aspect of my job is that together we manage to steer clear of dangerous cliffs. I also have to mind necessary repairs and make sure we have enough money for possibly buying more ships in the future.


What do you like most about your job?

Grimm: I like that I can take responsibility for a wide range of different topics and that I always have to meet new challenges. This gives me the chance to prove myself again and again and to get things moving. It means that my job is very varied, which I enjoy very much.

Furthermore, it is very enriching to work with an outstanding team in an international environment. We can develop ideas together, and I'm in a position to lead people. I can leave my mark, which is something I always wanted to do.


What is the one thing you would advise women to do if they aspire to be top managers?

Grimm: For me it was always important to know my goals, to show willingness and to take on responsibility. Moreover, it's good to look for formal and informal mentors who will advise you and give you feedback. It's also important to face competition, to be proud of your achievements, to always keep learning and to think about your next steps.

Silke Grimm, Chief Financial and Administration Officer (CFAO) of Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG
Silke Grimm

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