Allianz launches financial literacy website

As part of its corporate responsibility goals to improve financial literacy, Allianz SE today launched a new international financial consumer website:

Created together with Time Warner Global Media Group and Time Inc. Content Solutions, the site provides opportunities for people of all ages and socio-economic situations in Europe and Asia to learn about how to prepare financially for different life stages, such as parenthood or retirement. The FinanceFromA-Z site provides an experience that is intuitive to navigate, entertaining and informative.

Joachim Faber: "Consumers need to be better informed about their financial planning"

A recent study by the OECD* found that consumers in OECD countries "do not only have low levels of financial literacy preventing them from making good and informed financial decisions, but they also often overestimate their financial skills, knowledge and awareness." (*Financial Literacy and Consumer Protection: Overlooked Aspects of the Crisis, OECD, June 2009).

"Individual consumers need to be better informed about their financial planning", said Joachim Faber, member of the Board of Management of Allianz SE. "Through, we hope to make it easier for the general public to learn about the world of personal finance so that they can make rational and educated personal investment decisions." provides opportunities to learn about how to prepare financially for different life stages, such as parenthood or retirement.

The site features editorial content from CNN International,,, AOL Money & Finance's WalletPop and

"This is a big, engaging idea that serves vital information to the general public", said Mark D'Arcy, President and Chief Creative Office of Time Warner's Global Media Group. "We used our content capabilities and digital expertise to create an online property that promotes financial literacy and provides financial tools for consumers around the world."

Users can learn about topics ranging from financial aid for university to merging portfolios after marriage to post-retirement health care and can use tools to plan for future university costs and calculate mortgage payments. centers around two core areas that speak to a global audience in a thought-provoking and relevant way:

Financial Picture: This easy-to-navigate section was written exclusively for and anchors the site with definitions of more than 350 financial terms. It has a dozen tools and videos, providing users with a comprehensive financial education organised around seven different life stages: retirement, estate planning, parenthood, education, home ownership, career and marriage.

Time Zone: This interactive tool provides users with a unique experience, illustrating the effects of inflation over time and emphasizing the need for retirement planning. The application allows users to browse a virtual mall for big and small items, from a pound of coffee to a tropical cruise, seeing how prices have changed since 1979, and are expected to change over the next 30 years.

Additional features include scenario-based experiences to illustrate the impact that everyday spending decisions can have on retirement savings over time. Ads supporting the site will run across the Time Inc. Digital Network,,, CNN International, and AOL's Platform-A.

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