Share buy-back program with a volume of up to 1 billion euros and amendment of the dividend policy of Allianz SE

Allianz SE today has resolved on a new share buy-back program. The volume of such new program will amount to up to 1 billion euros. The program shall start in early March 2024 and be finalized by December 31, 2024, at the latest. Allianz SE will cancel all repurchased shares.

A global conundrum: How immigration is writing the next chapter for global economies

The story of immigration and its impact on the labor force isn't about one country or one policy; it's about a global shift in demographics, economies, and societies. Countries across the globe are grappling with the challenges of maintaining a vibrant and productive workforce amidst aging populations and declining birth rates. Allianz Research’s newly published report offers a glimpse into how immigration could be the linchpin in sustaining not just economies, but the very fabric of societies worldwide.

Navigating AI with integrity - Allianz’s Chief Privacy Officer Philipp Räther on the new EU AI Act

After long deliberation, the European Union agreed on an Act on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in December 2023. Its purpose is to make use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) while maintaining ethical standards. The Act introduces a risk-based regulatory framework that affects industries like insurance more so than others because AI plays an important role in risk assessment and pricing.

Women Taking On More Financial Responsibility

Women are taking on more financial responsibility, according to the 2023 Women Money Power Study from Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America (Allianz Life). Nearly half of all women (49%) consider themselves to be the chief financial officer of their household. At the same time, women are feeling less secure financially than they did in the past.

Allianz Country Risk Atlas 2024: A compass in times of global uncertainty

To boldly go where no one has gone before requires, well, a good compass. The newly published Country Risk Atlas 2024 from Allianz Research serves as the ultimate guide on this expedition, offering insights into the intricate constellation of economic, political, and ESG factors that shape the non-payment risks in 83 countries. The Atlas reveals hidden risks and opportunities guiding businesses and investors aiming to navigate the unpredictable waves of global markets.

Allianz launches powerful, new dashboard tracking transition pathways to Net Zero

Allianz SAMEpath plots the emission reductions and investments needed to achieve commitments made by countries under the 2015 Paris Agreement • The dashboard charts the economic developments and potential transition risks for sectors and economies in different climate scenarios • SAMEpath harmonizes existing models and scenarios into one convenient, quick reference tool

Allianz Partners announces the launch of the allyz mobile app, your one-stop-shop companion

The launch cements Allianz Partners’ position as a world-leader in the provision of digital insurance, assistance, and travel-related services • All users will receive 6 months of free access to cyber care services to protect their digital life

Bridging the gap: Unveiling the economic divide between the U.S. and Eurozone

Allianz Research's latest report sheds light on the expanding economic gap between the United States and the Eurozone, revealing significant disparities in growth and innovation since the Euro's introduction in 1999. This divide has not only become more pronounced, but has raised critical questions about the future of economic competitiveness and innovation in these regions.

Allianz Company Statement

Our name is the word for “alliance.” This means we stand steadfastly beside our customers, our people, and those who share our values in shaping a better world and a more secure future.