Many fatal accidents could be avoided

According to recent statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), 1.2 million people die in road traffic accidents every year, and 50 million are injured. This trend looks set to become even more pronounced in the future. The traffic experts at the Allianz Center for Technology (AZT) highlight traffic safety defects in the "Allianz Risk Pulse" on Mobility and Traffic Safety, which was published today: even small measures, like wearing seatbelts, could help to prevent many injuries. The risk experts are therefore calling for the legal and social frameworks for road safety to be strengthened worldwide.

Traffic accidents are one of the many causes of death worldwide and their impact on global health is underestimated. "In order to effectively fight the rising number of traffic deaths, we need a new culture of safety. Every traffic system is only as safe as the behavior of those who participate in it," says Christoph Lauterwasser, head of the Allianz Center for Technology (AZT).

Road deaths

The traffic experts can see a clear relationship between traffic safety on the one hand, and the economic conditions and technical standards of a country on the other: "The lower the per capita income of a society, the higher the risk of deaths due to road traffic - this worrying trend must be stopped, because traffic safety must not become a question of prosperity," says Christoph Lauterwasser.

In many countries, both passive safety and active safety need strengthening. Passive safety includes the wearing of seatbelts and the use of child seats and helmets. Active traffic safety can be strengthened through traffic awareness education in schools and stricter regulations for the granting of driving licenses. Legal regulations to combat driving under the influence of alcohol are also essential, since alcohol is responsible for 10 percent - 32 percent of all fatal traffic accidents, according to OECD. Driver assistance systems can make a considerable contribution to preventing accidents, particularly in wealthier countries.

Worldwide road deaths by region

"Targeted information needs to provoke a fundamental, cultural change of mindset. This also requires a corresponding legal framework, as well as the construction of safer streets. This is the only way that we can achieve the target of reducing the number of traffic accidents worldwide" says Lauterwasser.

Since 2011 and in cooperation with the FIA Foundation's "Road Safety Fund", Allianz has been supporting the UN initiative „Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020". Allianz companies all around the world also regularly organize road safety activies – for example driver trainings, information days or conferences. The Allianz Center for Technology (AZT Automotive) was founded in 1972: experts there work among others in the areas of traffic safety, claims analysis and repair development. The Allianz sponsorship of Formula One also runs under the motto "Drive Safely".

Road deaths: the income factor

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Katerina Piro
Allianz SE
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Allianz Deutschland AG
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