aa) Term of authorization, upper limit of shares to be issued, total nominal amount
The Management Board of Allianz SE shall be authorized, upon the approval of the Supervisory Board, to issue convertible bonds, bonds with warrants or convertible participation rights, in bearer or registered form, with or without definite maturity, in each case including subordinated bonds issued (hereinafter jointly referred to as "convertible bonds and bonds with warrants") once or several times on or before May 3, 2027, and to grant and/or impose on the holders of convertible bonds and bonds with warrants conversion or option rights and/or conversion obligations to the shares in the Company in a proportionate amount of the share capital of up to EUR 116,992,000 - at the time of the authorization this corresponds to 10% of the share capital of EUR 1,169,920,000 - according to the terms and conditions of the convertible bonds and bonds with warrants.
The sum total of (i) shares which are to be issued to service conversion or option rights and/or conversion obligations from convertible bonds and bonds with warrants, which had been issued in accordance with this authorization and (ii) shares issued during the term of this authorization from the Authorized Capital 2022/I, shall not exceed a proportionate amount of the share capital of EUR 467,968,000 - at the time of the authorization, this corresponds to 40% of the share capital of EUR 1,169,920,000.
The Management Board is further authorized to issue participation rights without conversion or option rights and/or conversion obligations with or without definite maturity, in bearer or registered form, once or several times on or before May 3, 2027, which are issued to create own fund items in accordance with the requirements under insurance supervisory law (also referred to below as "participation rights").
The Management Board is further authorized to issue subordinated bonds without conversion or option rights and/or conversion obligations with or without definite maturity, in bearer or registered form, once or several times before May 3, 2027, which are issued to create own fund items in accordance with the requirements under insurance supervisory law, which may not be legally classified as participation rights, but the issuance of which requires - due to profit-based interest, the loss participation arrangement or for any other reason - the approval of the Annual General Meeting pursuant to § 221 AktG (these instruments are referred to below as “hybrid instruments” and are jointly referred to below, together with the convertible bonds and bonds with warrants and the participation rights, as “financial instruments”).
The total nominal amount of the financial instruments to be issued under this authorization must not exceed EUR 15,000,000,000. Financial instruments can be issued against a cash contribution and/or a contribution in kind determined by the Company, in particular so that they can be offered as part of company mergers or in connection with the (also indirect) acquisition of companies, parts of companies, company holdings or other assets or entitlements to the acquisition of assets or claims against the Company or its Group companies, or also against a contribution in kind in the form of existing bonds, which are to be exchanged for financial instruments.
In addition to Euros, the financial instruments may also be issued in the legal currency of an OECD country - limited to the appropriate equivalent amount in Euros. The financial instruments may also be issued by Group companies; in such case, the Management Board shall be authorized to issue a guarantee in respect of the bonds on behalf of the Company and to grant and/or impose on the holders of such convertible bonds and bonds with warrants, conversion or option rights and/or conversion obligations to shares in the Company.
bb) Granting of subscription rights, exclusion of subscription rights
Shareholders shall generally have a subscription right to acquire the financial instruments. The financial instruments may also be acquired by one or several financial institutions or undertakings, which fulfil the prerequisites of § 186 (5) sentence 1 AktG, provided that such institutions commit to offer them for subscription to the shareholders. The Management Board shall, however, be authorized, upon the approval of the Supervisory Board, to exclude subscription rights of shareholders to financial instruments
- for fractional amounts;
- as necessary to grant subscription rights to holders of convertible bonds and bonds with warrants already issued by the Company or Group companies, to an extent as such holders would be entitled to after having exercised their conversion or option rights or after any conversion obligations had been fulfilled;
- if the bonds are issued against payment in cash and the issue price is not significantly lower than the theoretical market value of the financial instruments as calculated using recognized finance-mathematical methods. This authorization to exclude subscription rights shall only apply, however, to bonds carrying conversion or option rights or conversion obligations to shares in the Company corresponding to a proportionate amount of the share capital not exceeding 10% in the aggregate, neither on the date on which this authorization takes effect nor on the date of the respective exercise of this authorization. The sale of treasury shares shall be counted towards this limitation, if the sale occurs during the term of this authorization to the exclusion of subscription rights in corresponding application of § 186 (3), sentence 4 AktG. In addition, shares issued during the term of this authorization from authorized capital shall be counted towards this limitation, provided that subscription rights are excluded pursuant to § 186 (3) sentence 4 AktG;
- if the bonds are issued against contributions in kind, in particular so that they can be offered as part of company mergers or in connection with the (also indirect) acquisition of companies, parts of companies, company holdings or other assets or entitlements to the acquisition of assets or claims on the Company or its Group companies, or also against a contribution in kind in the form of existing bonds, which are to be exchanged for financial instruments, provided that the value of the contribution in kind is proportionate to the market value of the financial instruments as calculated pursuant to the preceding paragraph.
The sum total of (i) shares that are to be issued in connection with financial instruments in the form of convertible bonds and bonds with warrants which had been issued in accordance with this authorization subject to the exclusion of the subscription rights, and (ii) the shares issued during the term of this authorization from the Authorized Capital 2022/I subject to the exclusion of the subscription rights, may not exceed a proportionate amount of the share capital of EUR 116,992,000 - at the time of the authorization this corresponds to 10% of the share capital of EUR 1,169,920,000.
Insofar as financial instruments without conversion or option rights and/or conversion obligations are issued in return for cash, the Management Board shall be authorized, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to generally exclude the subscription rights of the shareholders, if such financial instruments do not constitute voting rights or other membership rights in Allianz SE. Moreover, it must be ensured in this case that the issue price is not significantly lower than the theoretical market value calculated using recognized finance-mathematical methods.
cc) Conversion right, conversion obligation
If convertible bonds and bonds with warrants are issued, the holders can convert their convertible bonds and bonds with warrants into Company shares according to the terms and conditions of the convertible bonds and bonds with warrants. The pro rata amount in the share capital of the shares to be issued upon conversion shall not exceed the nominal amount, or a lower issue price of the respective convertible bond or bond with warrant. The exchange ratio is calculated, for convertible bonds and bonds with warrants issued at least at the nominal amount, by dividing the nominal amount of the convertible bonds and bonds with warrants by the conversion price for one share of the Company. If the issue price of a convertible bond or bond with warrant is less than the nominal amount, the exchange ratio is calculated by dividing the issue price by the conversion price for one Company share. The exchange ratio may be rounded up or down to a whole number; in addition, a cash premium may be stipulated. It may also be stipulated that fractional amounts are to be combined and/or settled in cash. The terms and conditions of the convertible bonds and bonds with warrants may also stipulate a fixed or a variable exchange ratio.
The terms and conditions of the convertible bonds and bonds with warrants may provide for an unconditional or conditional conversion obligation at the end of the term or at a different point in time, which can also be determined by a future event, still uncertain at the time of issue, and stipulate the conversion price if the conversion obligation occurs in deviation from the conversion price when the conversion right is exercised. The terms and conditions may further stipulate the right of the Company to grant holders of convertible bonds and bonds with warrants at maturity or at any prior time, either in whole or in part, in lieu of the payment of the due sum, shares of the Company (Company's right to substitute).
The terms and conditions may entitle the Company to settle in cash, either in part or in whole, any difference between the nominal amount or the issue price of the convertible bond or bond with warrant and the result obtained from multiplying the exchange ratio and a price of the shares to be determined within a period before or at the time of the mandatory exchange. The determined price is subject to the lower limit of the conversion price pursuant to lit. ee).
dd) Option right
If bonds with warrants are issued, one or more warrants shall be attached to each bond with warrants, entitling the bearer to purchase shares of the Company pursuant to the terms and conditions of the warrants to be more closely defined by the Management Board. The pro rata amount in the share capital of the shares to be issued per bond with warrants may not exceed the nominal amount of the bond with warrants. The terms and conditions may also stipulate that the number of shares to be subscribed on exercising the option rights is variable. The terms and conditions of the bonds with warrants may stipulate that the option price can also be paid by means of transferring bonds with warrants (part-exchange) and where applicable by making an additional cash payment.
ee) Conversion/option price
The conversion or option price, as applicable, per share must be equal to either at least 50% of the average closing price of shares of Allianz SE in the Xetra-trading system (or any comparable successor system of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange) over the ten trading days preceding the day on which the Management Board resolves to issue the convertible bonds and bonds with warrants or, where a subscription right is granted, at least 50% of the average closing price of Allianz SE shares in the Xetra-trading system (or any comparable successor system of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange) over the subscription period, with the exception of the subscription period days required so that the conversion or option price pursuant to § 186 (2) AktG can be announced in due time.
Also in the case of convertible bonds and bonds with warrants with mandatory conversion or a substitution right of the Company, the conversion price for a share to be set must correspond at least to the aforementioned minimum prices.
§§ 9 (1) and 199 (2) AktG remain unaffected.
The terms and conditions of the convertible bonds and bonds with warrants may stipulate that the option or conversion price, subject to the above mentioned minimum prices, can be changed within a margin to be specified by the Management Board (including an uncapped option or conversion price) based on the development of the share price over the term or – particularly in the case of convertible bonds and bonds with warrants without defined maturity – based on the average share price in a period to be stipulated in the terms and conditions of the bonds, which can also be determined by a future event, still uncertain at the time of issue.
Notwithstanding § 9 (1) AktG, the terms and conditions of the convertible bonds and bonds with warrants may contain value-preserving adjustments of the conversion or option price or of the option ratio, or the granting of cash components (“anti-dilution clauses”) to provide protection during the conversion or option period against the Company raising its share capital, issuing additional convertible bonds and bonds with warrants or granting or guaranteeing further option rights with subscription rights to its shareholders without granting the holders of conversion or option rights and/or conversion obligations the subscription rights to which they would be entitled if they exercised their conversion or option rights or if the conversion obligations were fulfilled. The terms and conditions may also stipulate anti-dilution clauses, to cover other measures taken by the Company or events that might result in a dilution of the value of the conversion or option rights and/or conversion obligations (e.g. dividends). The pro rata amount in the share capital of the shares to be issued per convertible bond and bond with warrants may not, in any instance, exceed the nominal amount of the convertible bond and bond with warrants.
ff) Further structuring possibilities
The terms and conditions of convertible bonds and bonds with warrants may stipulate that treasury shares or shares from authorized capital can also be granted in the case of a conversion or exercise of option rights. It may also be stipulated that the Company does not grant holders of conversion or option rights and/or conversion obligations shares in the Company, but instead pays the equivalent value of the shares in cash. The terms and conditions of the convertible bonds and bonds with warrants may also stipulate that where the conversion or option rights are exercised, at the option of the Company instead of passing the shares to the holders of conversion or option rights and/or conversion obligations, the shares to be granted are sold by one or more third parties and the holders of conversion or option rights and/or conversion obligations are satisfied from the proceeds of the sale.
gg) Authorization to define further terms and conditions
The Management Board is authorized to define the further details related to the issue and structuring of the financial instruments, particularly with respect to interest rate, issue price, term and denomination, conversion or option price, and conversion or option period, or to stipulate such details in agreement with the administrative bodies of the Group companies issuing the financial instruments .