Tackling climate change
Climate change poses enormous social and financial risks to our clients and society. As a global financial services and insurance company, we have a vested interest in contributing to the decarbonisation of the global economy, being part of the solution and integrating climate-related risks and opportunities into our core business.
Allianz is committed to making its insurance business and the investment of proprietary assets net-zero by 2050. Emissions from business operations are to be reduced by -65% (baseline 2019) by 2030. In September 2023, Allianz published its own first, very ambitious transition plan, including intermediate targets for 2030 and an overview of how to achieve them. As this is the crucial decade, Allianz has decided to focus even more of its resources on this implementation.
While our commitment to achieving our net-zero goals is independent of our involvement with membership associations, we believe that effective partnerships can promote greater transparency, faster implementation and more equitable outcomes. Therefore, Allianz is a strong supporter of initiatives working to fight climate change. Allianz in the past was, among others, a member of the UN-convened Net Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA) and today continues to focus on the work of the UN-convened Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA), to which Allianz is a strong contributor of leadership and expertise as founding member and chair. The NZAOA published its 3rd Progress Report in October this year, showing that very ambitious targets can be achieved and that absolute emissions are already falling.
Our Climate Change Strategy
Our Net-Zero Transition Plan
Committed to transparency
We endorse the recommendations of the Task-force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and report in line with its framework. For further information on how we work to reduce emissions within our own operations, see our Group Environmental Management Guideline and corresponding Explanatory Notes.

Green Moment
When your green moment comes, will you take it?
Small changes, big difference
For Samar, seeing the impact of environmentally-friendly changes in her own life helped her improve sustainability initiatives at Allianz Egypt. This is Samar’s Green Moment. Tell us yours.
Sustainable eating
For Egmont, a change to his weekly food shop led to a transformation in Allianz’s canteens. This is Egmont’s Green Moment. Tell us yours.
An electrifying impact on travel
For Franz, a change to his daily commute had an electrifying impact on travel at Allianz. This is Franz’s Green Moment. Tell us yours.