Floods in southern Germany

June 06, 2024
Heavy rain, high water and flooding have caused major damage in large parts of southern Germany over the past few days.
June 06, 2024
The current flooding in southern Germany has brought the discussion about possible compulsory insurance back into focus. Klaus Peter Roehler, member of the Board of Management of Allianz SE, explains Allianz's view.
Lucie Bakker
June 06, 2024
Due to the heavy rainfall last weekend, several regions in southern Germany have been severely impacted by flooding. Allianz has taken various measures to quickly provide the best possible assistance. Lucie Bakker, Head of Claims at Allianz Versicherungs-AG, gave an initial assessment of the situation.
Ein überfluteter Fluß
June 04, 2024
Sibylle Steimen, Managing Director Advisory & Services at Allianz Re, leads a team of over 40 scientists in the field of catastrophe management. She holds a doctorate in seismology from the Swiss Seismological Institute. We spoke to her about the recent floods in southern Germany.
Christina Bersick
Allianz Deutschland AG
Florian Amberg
Allianz SE
Sabine Schaffrath
Schadenkommunikation, Verbraucherthemen
Heidi Polke
Allianz SE

+++ Achtung: Starkregen in weiten Teilen Deutschlands! +++
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