The Standing Committee is responsible for the approval of certain transactions which are assigned to it for resolution by the Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Board (e.g. capital measures). It supervises the Corporate Governance of the company and prepares the annual declaration of compliance as well as the efficiency check of the Supervisory Board's areas of responsibility. Furthermore, it decides on undertaking changes to the articles of association concerning the wording only.
The Standing Committee has five members: the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, two members elected on the suggestion of the shareholder representatives and two members elected on the suggestion of the employee representatives. The Committee is chaired by the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board.
The members of the Standing Committee are as follows:
- Michael Diekmann (Chairman)
- Sophie Boissard
- Dr. Friedrich Eichiner
- Jean-Claude Le Goaër
- Jürgen Lawrenz