What does it take to keep our world insurable?

The insurance sector is intimately familiar with risk, yet the nature of risk is constantly evolving. From everyday occurrences like car accidents to global events like the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all exposed to various risks. The pandemic underscored the impact of systemic risks that affect everyone, revealing a harsh truth: some risks are now so great that they exceed the capacity of insurers.

The climate crisis exemplifies challenges. A newly published Allianz Research report indicates that the frequency of extreme weather events is raising concerns about insurance's availability and affordability. More than half of those surveyed by the Geneva Association, for example, worry about future insurance accessibility, fearing that it may become prohibitively expensive or even unavailable.

This trend toward higher-risk scenarios, as highlighted by Allianz researchers, poses a significant question: Are we moving toward an uninsurable future? Frequent events such as heatwaves and floods, along with their unpredictable impacts, strain traditional insurance models.

However, Allianz researchers believe compromises can be found. They analyzed 9 crucial life aspects to outline necessary tradeoffs and propose solutions.

For individuals, changes are needed in consumption, lifestyle, living spaces, and savings. These include: 

  1. Consumption: Eliminating the green premium for climate-friendly products through increased carbon pricing.
  2. Lifestyle: Influencing behavior through pricing, nudges, and providing adequate infrastructure like public transport and climate-impact information.
  3. Living spaces: Setting risk-appropriate prices to encourage risk prevention and adaptation.
  4. Savings: Promoting long-term savings through tax breaks and subsidies.

Businesses face similar challenges and need public support and incentives in various areas:

  1. Borrowing: Reducing investment uncertainties through tools like contracts of difference.
  2. Green investments: Making eco-friendly investments profitable and scalable through subsidies.
  3. Employees: Addressing climate-related challenges through innovative unemployment schemes.
  4. Supply chains: Transitioning to sustainable and secure supply chains through holistic risk management.
  5. Materials: Advancing a true circular economy by introducing quotas to offset cost concerns.

While transitioning to a decarbonized economy involves challenges, it ultimately promises a more prosperous future. Exigent action is vital to avoid a climate policy backlash and to bolster our collective ability to address climate change effectively.

Discover how these 9 "moments of life" can shape a sustainable future here.

Die Allianz Gruppe zählt zu den weltweit führenden Versicherern und Asset Managern und betreut rund 125 Millionen* Privat- und Unternehmenskunden in knapp 70 Ländern. Versicherungskunden der Allianz nutzen ein breites Angebot von der Sach-, Lebens- und Krankenversicherung über Assistance-Dienstleistungen und Kreditversicherung bis hin zur Industrieversicherung. Die Allianz ist einer der weltweit größten Investoren und betreut im Auftrag ihrer Versicherungskunden ein Investmentportfolio von etwa 737 Milliarden Euro**. Zudem verwalten unsere Asset Manager PIMCO und Allianz Global Investors etwa 1,7 Billionen Euro** für Dritte. Mit unserer systematischen Integration von ökologischen und sozialen Kriterien in unsere Geschäftsprozesse und Investitionsentscheidungen sind wir unter den führenden Versicherern im Dow Jones Sustainability Index. 2023 erwirtschafteten über 157.000 Mitarbeiter für den Konzern einen Umsatz von 161,7 Milliarden Euro und erzielten ein operatives Ergebnis von 14,7 Milliarden Euro.
* Einschließlich nicht konsolidierter Einheiten mit Allianz Kunden.
** Stand: 31. Dezember 2023
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