Claire-Marie Coste-Lepoutre: Leading with rigor and curiosity

On January 1, 2024, Claire-Marie Coste-Lepoutre joined the Board of Management of Allianz SE.

The history of the Allianz share

In this video, Allianz historian Gerd Modert traces the history of the Allianz share from 1890, when it was first issued, to today, where it trades on the dynamic global capital markets.

Allianz leads the way for insurance and asset management in this year’s Brand Finance Global 500 ranking

Allianz holds, once again, the position as the leading global insurance and asset management brand in this year’s Brand Finance Global 500 – a ranking of the world’s 500 most valuable and strongest brands. This time, Allianz came in as the 28th most valuable brand in the world with a brand value growth of 15% on the insurance side. Visit the Brand Finance Global 500 2024 ranking for further information.

Leadership change at Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE and Allianz Commercial

Petros Papanikolaou will succeed Joachim Müller as CEO of Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE with effect from January 1, 2024, with additional responsibility for leading Allianz Commercial globally.  

Allianz is the top global insurance brand in 2023, topping $20 billion in brand value for the first time

For the fifth year in a row, Allianz has been named the world’s number one insurance brand in Interbrand’s 2023 Best Global Brands ranking. For the first time ever, Allianz topped the 20-billion-dollar threshold in brand value: With double-digit growth of 11.5%, Allianz’s brand value increased to USD 20.85 billion, an increase of USD 2.15 billion year on year.

Allianz SE Announces Updates to its Board of Management

Oliver Bäte’s mandate as Chairman of the Board of Management of Allianz SE has been renewed through the Annual Shareholders Meeting 2028. / The mandate of Andreas Wimmer has been renewed through September 30, 2029. / Claire-Marie Coste-Lepoutre has been appointed as Member of the Board of Management and Chief Financial Officer effective January 1, 2024. / Giulio Terzariol to be granted a release from his mandate as of December 31, 2023 so that he may pursue a career opportunity outside of Allianz.

Allianz SE Supervisory Board Extends Mandates for Barbara Karuth-Zelle and Christopher Townsend through 2028

The Supervisory Board of Allianz SE announced today that it has extended the mandates of Allianz SE Board Members Barbara Karuth-Zelle, Group Chief Operating Officer, and Christopher Townsend, responsible for Global Insurance Lines, Global Commercial Insurance, Reinsurance, Anglo Markets, Iberia & Latin America, Middle East and Africa.

Notable birthdays: GDPR turns 5

On May 25, 2018, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect. Viewed by many at the time with suspicion and dread, it has gone on to have a profound impact globally.

People Fact Book 2022: Fostering a culture of diversity, inclusion, and innovation

The 2022 edition of the People Fact Book is once again a snapshot of the Allianz workforce, highlighting key achievements over the past year. It provides comprehensive information on global and regional levels across the Allianz Group.