Allianz Benelux N.V. Netherlands Branch

P.O. Box 761 
3000 AT Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Allianz Direct Netherlands

Postbus 761
3011 AP Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Allianz Commercial

Coolsingel 120
3011 AG Rotterdam

Allianz Global Investors

Coolsingel 120
3011 AG Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Allianz Nederland Groep NV

P.O. Box 761
3000 AT Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Allianz Partners

Poeldijkstraat 4
1059 VM Amsterdam 
The Netherlands

Allianz Technology

Coolsingel 120
3000 AT Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Euler Hermes Garanties

Our brand name, website domain names and email addresses changed to Allianz Trade effective March 28, 2022.
De Entree 31 (Alpha Tower)
P.O. Box 12473
1100 AL Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Euler Hermes Nederland

Our brand name, website domain names and email addresses changed to Allianz Trade effective March 28, 2022.
Brabantlaan 2
5216 TV  ’s-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands