Allianz Global Assistance Europe

Allianz Global Assistance Europe 
Poeldijkstraat 4 
1059 VM Amsterdam 
The Netherlands

Allianz Commercial

Visitor's address: 
Norrlandsgatan 16
111 43 Stockholm

Postal address: 
Serienummer 997015, R 799
SE- 106 53, Stockholm

Allianz Global Investors Nordic Representative Office

Regeringsgatan 54
SE 111 56 Stockholm

Allianz Partners Nordic and Baltic Region

Allianz Global Assistance Europe 
Poeldijkstraat 4 
1059 VM Amsterdam 
The Netherlands

Allianz Trade in Sweden

Sveavägen 98
P.O. Box 729
101 34 Stockholm
Allianz Trade is the trademark used to designate a range of services provided by Euler Hermes.