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Medienteam der Allianz Gruppe
Would you like to send us a media enquiry or speak directly to our press office at Allianz Headquarter in Munich? Please contact us via email [email protected] or telephone, or send your request by the form below.
Our team will respond to your enquiry as quickly as possible.

Florian Amberg
Head of Public Relations & Communications Intelligence


Frank Stoffel
Head of Financial Communication and Valuation Relations

Medienteam Deutschland
Corporate topics
Health insurance
Life Insurance
Property & Casualty

Christian Weishuber
Property & Casualty Insurance, Legal Protection, Allianz Center for Technology, Global Automotive Germany

Press offices
of other Allianz Group companies
Asia Pacific
Czech Republic
Slovak Republic
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
United States of America
Allianz Asia Pacific
Allianz Group in Austria
Allianz Australia Ltd.
Nicholas Scofield
Chief Corporate Affairs Officer
Sarah Blades
Group Manager Communications
Allianz in Belgium
Allianz Seguros S.A – Colombia
Allianz pojistovna a.s.
Allianz France
Anne-Sandrine Cimatti
Estelle Ardouin
Head of External Communications
Sandrine Pichavant
Carla Leborgne-Buttazzoni
Euler Hermes Group
Remi Calvet
Head of Media Relations
Allianz Global Assistance S.A.S.
Anne Marchegay
Head of Communications
Allianz Global Investors
Marion Leblanc-Wohrer
Communications Manager
Allianz Deutschland AG
Allianz Capital Partners
Pia Groeger
Lead Communications
Niederlassung für Deutschland
Allianz Partners Deutschland GmbH
Sabrina Schertel
Head of Corporate Communications
Vanessa Mogler
Communications Manager
Allianz Commercial
Hugo Kidston
Global Head of Communications
Philipp Keirath
Head of Media Relations
Allianz Global Investors
Klaus Papenbrock
Lead Communications DACH
Pia Groeger
Lead Communications Private Markets
Allianz Investment Management SE
Christiane Hach
Head of Corporate Communications
Allianz Trade in Germany/ Euler Hermes Germany
Various Euler Hermes services are offered under Allianz Trade.
Ann-Catrin Boll-Ricker
Head of Communications
Antje Wolters
Allianz Real Estate
Claire Fraser
Global Head of Marketing & Communications
Allianz Re
Christiane Merkel
Head of Communications
Elizabeth Goetze
Senior Spokesperson
Allianz Greece
Allianz Hungária Biztosító Zrt.
Allianz Irish Life Holdings PLC
Allianz SpA
Allianz Luxembourg
Allianz Russia
Allianz - Slovenská poist'ovna a.s.
Lucia Muthová
Communications Manager
Allianz Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A.
Laura Gallach Montero
Head of Communications
Allianz Suisse
Allianz in The Netherlands
Allianz Turkey
Berna Özdemir
Head of External Communications
Allianz UK
Paul Platt
Head of External Communications
Amy Yorston
External Communications Manager
David Gwyer
External Communications Manager
Sian Baker
External Communications Manager
Sara Robinson
External Communications Manager
Allianz Global Investors
Marion Leblanc-Wohrer
Lead Global Media
Sophie Niven
Communications Manager
Allianz Partners
Travel insurance, home assistance and roadside assistance
Rebecca Williams
Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America
Jennifer Marso
Head of Communications
Brett J. Weinberg
Director of External Communications
Jeff Faust
Communications Manager
PIMCO (Pacific Investment Management Company)
Michael Reid
Communications Manager
Agnes Crane
Communications Manager