Allianz ranked No.1 insurer in Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Allianz Group has taken the leading position among all rated insurance companies in the latest Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). Allianz has been one of the most sustainable companies in the insurance industry ever since 2000. Since then, the company has been an integral part of the investment universe of the well-known Dow Jones Sustainability Index. DJSI ranks companies according to environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, assessing their sustainability strategy and performance.

We are extremely proud of this result," said Oliver Bäte, Chief Executive Officer of Allianz SE. "We started with the integration of ESG factors into our business early on and have continuously improved. We also set ambitious goals for the coming years and would like to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.” Sustainability rankings such as the DJSI are important tools for Allianz to provide investors and stake-holders with transparency about the strategies and performance of corporate responsibility.

The DJSI is the world's best-known sustainability index. Only the most sustainable companies of the 2,500 Dow Jones Global Total Stock Market Index (DJGTSM) are included. With this methodology, the DJSI combines the approaches of classical equity indices with purely ecology-oriented indices.

As a responsible investor, Allianz is also using sustainability ratings to manage its own funds and sustainably oriented investment products (SRI), which it offers to its asset management customers. Since 2016 Allianz has published its group-wide ESG integration approach to provide ratings agencies, non-governmental organizations and other experts with a detailed overview of its ESG integration processes and guidelines. With these measures Allianz established its position as a responsible insurance and financial services company.


What is the DJSI?

The DJSI is one of the world’s most recognized sustainability ratings. The DJSI is prepared based on the RobecoSAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). The CSA assesses a company based on its public disclosures and transparency of its sustainability approach, as well as internal and confidential data provided directly by the company.

What kind of information is considered in the Corporate Sustainability Assessment?

The CSA considers a wide range of economic, environmental and social topics, such as for example human resources programs, executive compensation, tax policies, shareholder rights, compliance and anti-corruption programs, environmental management and performance, corporate social engagement, customer satisfaction, and many other dimensions.

Who is involved in responding to the DJSI?

More than 20 experts from various functions across Allianz (Group Risk, Group Taxation, Group Legal, Group Compliance, Group Human Resources, Group Investor Relations, Group Digital Transformation, Environmental Management, Operational Health and Safety, Group Communications and Corporate Responsibility, and Allianz Climate Solutions amongst others) work together to prepare the Allianz response..

The Allianz Group is one of the world's leading insurers and asset managers with more than 86 million retail and corporate customers. Allianz customers benefit from a broad range of personal and corporate insurance services, ranging from property, life and health insurance to assistance services to credit insurance and global business insurance. Allianz is one of the world’s largest investors, managing over 650 billion euros on behalf of its insurance customers while our asset managers Allianz Global Investors and PIMCO manage an additional 1.3 trillion euros of third-party assets. Thanks to our systematic integration of ecological and social criteria in our business processes and investment decisions, we hold a leading position in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. In 2016, over 140,000 employees in more than 70 countries achieved total revenue of 122 billion euros and an operating profit of 11 billion euros for the group.

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Anja Rechenberg
Allianz SE
Phone: +49 89 3800 4511

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