All hands against the flood

It will be a wet week to remember. The first days of June 2013 will long be in the memories of Allianz customers, agents and staff in central Europe, battling the worst floods in many years.


In Prague employees have been going that extra mile to even get to work, with roads and metro lines being closed down.


“We all feel that this is the moment where we can show that we are Allianz,” says Karel Waisser, Member of the Board of Management of Allianz Czech Republic. “It is a tough time for everyone, so we not only have to be professional, but also human.”


While authorities are in part frustrated by what they call “catastrophe tourism”, Allianz Czech Republic’s head office has a rooftop terrace that overlooks the Vltava River and the center of town, providing an a good overview view of the situation. From that vantage point across the region, call center staff, claims regulators and agents have all been working since the flooding started to help customers in need.


In Germany too, claims adjusters have been visiting client eastern Germany. Agents as well are going to great lengths to help clients – often they are neighbors and hit by the water themselves. A number of Allianz agencies in Germany, the Czech Republic were under water or threatened by it: support is coming to them from other parts of the country.

Karel Waisser, Member of the Board of Management of Allianz Czech Republic: “It is a tough time for everyone, so we not only have to be professional, but also human.”
Karel Waisser, Member of the Board of Management of Allianz Czech Republic: “It is a tough time for everyone, so we not only have to be professional, but also human.”
Photo of Gera, in eastern Germany, where local Allianz agents met with clients on June 7.

Photo of Gera, in eastern Germany, where local Allianz agents met with clients on June 7.

Allianz agent Jan Monneuse from Gera says: „It is great how people are helping each other and working together. Right now, clients need the secure feeling that they are not being left alone with their problems and that Allianz can help them quickly, without any complications.”

Allianz Germany claims expert Ralph Kirst spoke of one personal story, that had particularly touched him: „Yesterday we visited a 78 year old lady. Everything she owned was in a container in front of her house. Nothing could be salvaged, the woman was basically homeless. We documented the damages and gave her a larger chunk of money up front. With that she can start over.”

In Austria as well, hundreds of employees have been handling claims or staying at home to battle the flood or help clean up in their own communities. Others who are not essential and have been working around the clock are now looking forward to a restful weekend.

There may be more to come. Rains are expected in some of the affected regions this weekend, and the masses of water are now moving toward other parts of Germany, Slovakia and Hungary. At this time, it is hard to say what to expect, but the thoughts of Allianz and its staff are with those affected by the floods.

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Katerina Piro
Allianz SE
Phone +49.89.3800-16048
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Vaclav Balek
Allianz Czech Republic
Phone +420.224405-409
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Claudia Herrmann
Allianz Deutschland AG
Phone +49.89.3800-6858
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Hans Peter Nehmer
Allianz Switzerland
Phone +41.58.358-8801
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Marita Roloff
Allianz Austria
Phone +43.5.9009-80726
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Heidi Polke
Allianz Global Coporate & Specialty
Phone +49.89.3800-14303
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