It could have been the passion of the three founders that shone through or it could be their well thought out business plan. What made Picha Project stand out from the other eight contenders?
“Simplicity!” says Christopher Worthley, one of the judges and Executive Director of Allianz Foundation for North America. “Who doesn’t love food? Quality catering with a sophisticated marketing strategy is a bestseller the world over. It’s hard to ignore the charm of this simple approach.”
To be successful, a social entrepreneur must keep certain things in mind before starting on the journey, advises Worthley. Relevance, scalability, versatility and simplicity are some traits that can boost a social venture’s chances of reaching its goal. “If an idea is a ‘one size fits all’, it has much greater potential.”
Kim Lim admits the win was something of a surprise, given how promising the ideas of the other competitors were. “It was an unexpected win as our project is just two years old and we do have a lot to improve on. The other participants also had impressive projects. My personal favorite was Carlotas. Empathy is something we all need,” she says.