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Sep 03, 2020

Europe: Post-corona pulse check

In the aftermath of the coronavirus crisis, what’s the mood in Germany, France and Italy? More pessimistic than earlier believed, finds the latest Allianz Pulse. Surprisingly, digitalization has slipped in the priority list of these Europeans but climate change remains their concern...

Gen X Approaching Retirement Crunch Time with Savings Regrets

Gen Xers, who are mostly in their late 40s and 50s, are approaching an important time in preparing to retire. Yet, Gen Xers are feeling less confident than ever about their finances and more worried about retirement than boomers or millennials, according to the 2024 Annual Retirement Study from Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America (Allianz Life).

Jan 18, 2022 | Risk Insights, Reports & studies

Allianz Risk Barometer 2022: Cyber perils outrank Covid-19 and broken supply chains as top global business risk

Cyber perils are the biggest concern for companies globally in 2022, according to the Allianz Risk Barometer. The threat of ransomware attacks, data breaches or major IT outages worries companies even more than business and supply chain disruption, natural disasters or the Covid-19 pandemic, all of which have heavily affected firms in the past year.

Jun 15, 2020

The EV-olution of Mobility

That electric vehicles are the future of mobility is not even a debate anymore. But new technologies seldom come without new challenges. What risks will these harbingers of green mobility bring our way? In a new report, Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty explores the risks and rewards of electric vehicles...

Apr 11, 2023 | Economic research, Reports & studies

Allianz Global Insolvency Report

Allianz Trade releases today its Global Insolvency Report and reviewed its forecasts of business insolvencies for 2023 and 2024. According to the world’s leading trade credit insurer, after a small rebound in 2022 (+2%), global insolvencies are set to bounce by +21% in 2023 and +4% in 2024.

May 03, 2023 | Economic research, Article

High food prices: great interest in Allianz research study

Since the beginning of this year, food prices have become a major driver of overall inflation and are expected to account for almost a third of inflation in Europe. Even though overall inflation has started slowing, our experts expect food inflation to remain high for at least another quarter before price pressures abate.

Dec 08, 2023 | Media release, Life & Health

The New Reality for Financial Professionals

Allianz Life study finds large majority of Americans believe working with a financial professional would be beneficial, yet most do not do so. How can financial professionals close the gap?

Managing the increasing threat of political violence and civil unrest

With an unprecedented ‘super-cycle’ of elections in 2024, almost half the world’s populations will go to the polls before the year is out. According to a new report from Allianz Commercial, security is a concern in many territories, not only from the threat of localized unrest but because of the wider-reaching consequences of electoral outcomes on foreign policy, trade relations, and supply chains.

Jul 20, 2020

The insolvency time bomb: prepare for a record-high increase in insolvencies, the collateral damage of the Covid-19 crisis

The Covid-19 crisis will trigger a major acceleration in business insolvencies due to both the suddenness and historic size of the economic shock and its expected lasting effects, according to a new study by Euler Hermes, the world’s largest trade credit insurer.

May 11, 2023 | Article, Societal impact

Edelman Trust & Health report 2023: Financial worries fuel a growing health crisis

Economic pressures are exacerbating the global health crisis, with income inequality contributing to the divide in health outcomes between low- and high-earning individuals.

507 results