It has released Paul Achleitner and Enrico Cucchiani from their contractual obligations, allowing Achleitner to leave Allianz by May 31, 2012 and Cucchiani as of December 21, 2011. As already known, Joachim Faber will retire at the end of 2011, having reached the management board's age limit. The following new Allianz SE management board members have been appointed as of January 1, 2012: Helga Jung (50), Gary Bhojwani (43) and Dieter Wemmer (54). Maximilian Zimmerer (53) will be joining the Allianz SE management board as of June 1, 2012.
Supervisory Board decisions on the appointment of new board members
Helga Jung will take over responsibility for the insurance business in Spain, Portugal and Latin America as well as Mergers and Acquisitions, Strategic Participations and Legal and Compliance. Presently she is Head of Group Mergers and Acquisitions.
Gary Bhojwani will take over Insurance USA from Jay Ralph. He is presently CEO of Allianz Life, USA.
Dieter Wemmer will join Allianz Group and be responsible for the Western European insurance activities except Spain, Portugal and the German-speaking countries. He will also be in charge of the Global Property and Casualty department.
Maximilian Zimmerer will take over Paul Achleitner’s board responsibilities as of June 1, 2012, as well as the Global Life department. Until mid-2012 he will continue as CEO of Allianz Lebensversicherung and as a member of the board of Allianz Deutschland. Oliver Bäte will assume responsibility for Investor Relations as of June 1, 2012, in addition to his present duties.
The supervisory board has proposed Helmut Perlet (64) as a new member and will ask the Annual General Meeting of Allianz in 2012 to elect him into this body. Perlet was the CFO of Allianz for many years and was a member of the management board of Allianz SE until 2009. Henning Schulte-Noelle (69) will not stand for re-election to the supervisory board at the next shareholders’ meeting, having reached its age limit.
Furthermore, Christine Bosse (50), well known to the insurance industry, is expected to join the supervisory board as shareholder representative succeeding Gerhard Cromme (68) upon the expiration of his mandate at the 2012 Allianz general meeting. Due to personal reasons Christine Bosse will not be available for election at the annual general meeting 2012. Therefore, Gerhard Cromme has agreed to be at Allianz' disposal for a supervisory board mandate until the annual general meeting 2013 at the latest.
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